Sunday, December 7, 2008

mounted archery girls 1930 équipe féminine d'archerie équestre

at Del Monte :in california Douglas shool girls practising mounted archery while galloping and jumping year 1930
clik on pics

Sunday, November 30, 2008

ancient archery vs easier archery

in ancient archery bows cannot be coumpounds nor have mechanical triggers or sights.They

have to be of ancient style such as asian,midle eastern(or native american) with simple handles

and without shooting windows. Ancient archery beguin at least at mesolithic era and may be at

upper paleolithic era until today all around the world ;horseback archery is ancient archery

At end of XIX century and beginning of XX century bows where modified (shooting windows,....)

to make archery easier so the way of shooting have changed developping "traditional" ,"classical"

and coumponds archery

it is funny that this news bows are called "traditional" or "classical"

Friday, November 7, 2008

differents way to hold a traditionnal bow clik on pic to enlarge

differentes façon de tenir un arc traditionnel(cliker sur l'image)

Friday, September 12, 2008

ECHOA 2008 group click on pic to enlarge

jak ECHOA 2008 click on pics to enlarge

scytian "subeishi" hornbow from saluki


jak during ECHOA 2008 cliquer sur l'image pour agrandir

damascus bow from saluki

lors du premier championnat européen open d'archerie equestre
à hummelhof en baviere 6 et 7 septembre 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

technique pointe en l'air

jak pendant le 1ier championnat open d'archerie equestre à hummelhof en bavière du 4 au 7 septembre
clicker sur l'image pour agrandir